Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It Makes a Laptop Seem Like a Ball & Chain

Remember that scene by the pool in The Graduate when they whisper that all important word?
"Plastics. " My new word is "Mobile." I just helped set up a new website that will show up beautifully on mobile phone or iphone screens as well as on any computer or laptop.

Again and again I am impressed with how much I like my little tiny screen. The iTouch. That instead of turning on the computer or flipping up the laptop, plugging it in, this and that, it's easier. I wake up pick it up after it wakes me up with an alarm, then just pop out my email.

I think age makes us all like things that add comfort, and ease. So that's why in a month or so you'll be able to read any GoNOMAD story in a phone-sized format. I think we are ahead of the pack on this because once you try out the internet on your phone, you'll want it again.

Visit this site on your mobile phone: Travel Gadget Guru


Blogger Kent E St. John said...

Ya told me about it and I didn't move on it. Will now!

8:27 PM  

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