Another Man's Music, Another Man's Porn

I bought a used ipod Touch the other day, and it came on a messy looking taped up box. It has an engraving, that says 'Verlyne megan miller'and 'be humble' beneath. After I charged it up, I opened some of the icons on the touchscreen and was given a window into another person's life.
There was his or her porn...apparently he/she likes big black men and white women. Lurid videos jumped out at me...better erase that bookmark. Then the song was a parody of the famous 'Baby Got Back', but this was called the 'white boy remix.'It sang in jest about little butts of white chicks, and imitated how white people talk. "I like small butts, I cannot lie, you honkey's can't deny..."
On the front of the touch was a portrait of a black family, two women with a teen son and an infant. I knew where they lived because they set the weather for Rochester and Manhattan NY, and I knew that they got a lot of junk mail. Many people had sent in friend requests on Facebook and Myspace too. It appears that they didn't delete emails and there were hundreds of junk mails and that they were on more junk lists than I'd ever want to be.
In fifty years, if somebody opened up this cute little device, they'd know a whole lot about a person and our world in 2009. I know more than I need to know already!
Labels: ipod touch
Now there's a good reason for me never to sell my MacBook Pro!
A family bought their child an Ipod from Walmart a few years back. It wasnt a touch it was one of those ipods that had video though. The child started playing with it and found porn. The parents sued Walmart for what their son found and saw. It wouldnt be so hard to delete such things before selling them. Unless the ipod was stolen then sold...
Thanks to this post- I think I will wait on getting that used Ipod...for awhile at least! Classic stuff.
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