Sunday, February 08, 2009

The Tent Where All the Action is at the Javits

We dutifully forked over another thirty bucks to get the Wi-Fi at the booth, so now I can show you all the tent that we're using here at the show. Our staff artist Dave Chouinard created some excellent signage, as he does for the cafe and the website, and his handiwork helps give us great visibility here at the massive Javits. Next door is the Comic-con show, where 70,000 costume-clad weirdos parade around in silly outfits with painted faces.

I heard a funny story about the comic book business from old friend Marie Javins She said that sales fell off a cliff about a decade ago, when most kids decided that $2.99 was too much money for a 10-minute read. She helps produce a comic book sold only in the Arab world, and the owners have lost millions trying to force their product down the throats of uninterested Arab youngsters. Still, Arab pride keeps them from pulling the plug, instead they lose money but keep their pride intact, keeping low sales figures under wraps.

We found a new restaurant for our annual GoNOMAD dinner. Rachel's on 9th Avenue provided us with sumptuous eats, live jazz and the chance to meet some new people. Of course it was the chance to celebrate being here in the biggest city in the world and having a booth at America's largest travel show. We're ready here in the tent for meeting, greeting and asking people that same question: "Have you been to GoNOMAD?


Blogger Mridula said...

The tent looks wonderful, thanks for the picture.

11:20 AM  
Blogger me said...

Hi Max - Great seminar on Saturday. Thanks for the vote of confidence re: my travel TV asipirations.

1:58 PM  

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