It's the Time of Year When We Hate It Here

Now is the time that every one of us here in New England settles into our winter funk. We ask ourselves why we do this, why we live in a place that for so much of the year is unfriendly because people are so cold. Slipping around on ice, trying to start nearly frozen cars, not wanting to go for a walk 'cause it's too damn cold. The whole thing puts me in a foul mood.
The only bright spot is that all of us have been going back to the gym, doing Zomba and aerobics and working out in our own ways. That is my bright spot in this sea of ice-cold dreariness. The feeling of elation when I leave the gym lasts for a few hours, until I settle back into being cold.
I got sent a lifeline when I spoke with a PR rep about the Azores. These seven islands are only four hours away from Boston, via a direct flight. The average temperature there is in the mid-sixties at this time of year. Portugal owns these ancient volcanic islands, and they want us to come see them. I am rearranging things in order to make this short escape. If all goes well we will end this dreadful month hiking in green forests of the Azores.
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