Friday, January 15, 2010

While the Tourist Boat Passes, She Flashes Boobs

It's a whirlwind of a day and finally, the cafe is chugging on all eight cylinders, shaking off a lousy few weeks of post-holiday doldrums. With my most excellent staff handing all of the soup and pannini making, I had time to do what I should be doing, publishing stories and planning new trips.

I got an invite to do the old 'social media' thing and yak about South Florida, and I'm hashing out details. Boy, Fort Lauderdale sounds good just about now, even though temps down there are hardly balmy. But even 60 degrees is an improvement for most of us New Englanders. I hope we can include an airboat trip in the Everglades as well as a boat tour of the estates of the rich and famous along Lauderdale's canals. I remember doing this back in 1993 and while the boat full of gawkers passed by, a woman pulled up her top and gave us all a show. The boat's captain was a comedian, and riffed off the many famous rich people who made their homes in this tony city of canals.

I am still optimistic that Panama will fall into place, and in the fall Cindy and I will be going to Peru. But the thing is that we never know what might come up between now and then. That's what makes it all so fun.


Blogger lilypond said...

If by any chance you make it from Fort Lauderdale to Miami send me a note. I can even make you a coffee, though I'm generally known as the 'domestic she-devil'.

3:52 PM  
Blogger lilypond said...

In case you don't know who lilypond is: it's Inka!

5:25 PM  
Blogger Max Hartshorne said...

I know I followed your trail lily aka Inka!

5:39 PM  

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