Sunday, July 26, 2009

Searching is Better When You Ask Facebook Friends

I have been carrying two issues of Wired around in 'the Abyss' as my backpack is known, and last night finally got a chance to read the July issue. Among a bunch of fascinating stories was a provocative piece about how Facebook intends to dominate the web and keep Google out.

The story by Fred Vogelstein begins with an anecdote about Larry Page becoming very upset when his bid to buy a stake in Facebook in 2007 was thwarted by arch-rival Microsoft. Facebook allowed the software maker to buy the small stake but said no to Google.

Vogelstein outlines a 4-step plan for 'online domination,' beginning with building critical mass by getting more and more registered users. They're now up to 200 million, and amass 850 million photos, 8 million videos and lots more info on their servers every month.

Facebook's intent, says Vogelstein, is to redefine search so that members will rely on their FB friends, rather than impersonal Google searches, to find what they want and navigate the web. The other goal will be to follow Google in selling targeted ads using the vast amount of personal information FB stores on more than 40,000 servers.

An FB friend today posted a warning, advising her friends to change the settings so that this information can't be stored by FB, or used to sell ads. But it may be too late. The story ends with a parallel...Google's first five years of life didn't even include the money-tree that is AdWords, they just developed a great search engine. It was only later that they, like FB, found out how to mint money by the ads.

Is FB going to be the Google killer?


Blogger Kelly said...

FB might be a good search tool if you're looking for say ... a plumber. You can ask your hometown friends for recommendations. But I just can't see myself sitting down to do serious research for an article or a health concern and asking my FB friends. That's like broadcasting everything you do to people who don't really need to know all your inner doings. I say go Google!

11:23 AM  

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