Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cindy Guest Blogs from Wyoming: Rodeo Days!

Today is my first full day in Cheyenne, Wyoming, the gateway to the West. The city is abuzz because tomorrow is the first day of the Frontier Days Rodeo, the largest outdoor rodeo in the world. This city of approximately 55,000 will swell to nearly 500,000 people during this annual ten day event.

More about that later, ....there is so much to see and do here, even before and after the we visited the Terry Bison Ranch, a working ranch located about ten miles south of Cheyenne.... but actually, two thirds of the ranch's 40 sq. miles is located across the state line in Colorado!

You'll find not only 5000 buffalo, but ostriches, llamas, trail horses, exoctic chickens, goats, fierce looking bulls, and several camels....yes, camels here in Wyoming! Senator's Restaurant and Brass Buffalo Saloon is reputed to have the best buffalo burger in the country, a campground, and a bunkhouse with 13 rooms for rent.

A few surprising facts about buffalo...these animals can run faster and farther than horses,....and 80% of buffalo are born sterile!


Blogger Sonja Stark of PilotGirlā„¢ said...

Cheyenne? Hmmmm.... Been reading a blog about the animal abuses of the bulls in Cheyenne. Bulls are only "fierce looking" because of steer busting and electric cattle prods.

7:49 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

I was at a rodeo the other day here in Minnesota -- the Hamel Rodeo which claims it's the biggest rodeo in the state. It was a good time!

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all the gateway to the west is St. should know your american history...
Second of all "steer busting and cattle Prods have nothing to do with the way a bull looks...if anything a steer should look a whole lot meaner, considering what makes a steer...Ranching and Farming are the backbone of american industry...and the Rodeo depicts the life of a ranching cowboy...the animals used are always well cared for...maybe if Carrie Underwood and Matchbox 20 would focus their attention on Child abuse, drugs or home care for the elderly they could do more good in the world...We (COWBOYS AND COWGIRLS) stand, remove our hats and cover our hearts when we hear the Star Spangled Banner. We know every word and are not ashamed to sing along. We say ma'am and sir. We will take our time to help the elderly and if the need arises will take the time to let the hypocrits like Carrie Underwood know just how crazy they are...Seriously Carrie, you claim to be an animal activist, refuse to play a rodeo ...but yet you never missed a lick when playing and singing with George Straight, get off your self indulgent high horse lady....or maybe your IQ simply isnt high enough to realize the man throws a rope himself...As for The Daddy of em all, I can't wait.

12:12 PM  

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