A Smooth Rolling Drawer Makes Life Better

I'm on a roll with my chronicles of life's little joys. I've found another. For years, almost decades, I suppose, the top drawer in my kitchen cabinet has stuck. It was frustrating to open it, resisting and veering slightly off course, so you'd have to really grab it and it always made me uncomfortable. Then when it did open, it wasn't far enough to really see all of the silverware inside....in short, totally annoying and a hassle.
After we got the kitchen floors sanded to a gorgeous shine, it was time to tackle this perennial problem. So I went down to Restore, in Springfield, where they have a warehouse full of used cabinets, windows, doors, bathroom fixtures and the like. It's the place where contractors can donate these things instead of throwing them into the landfill. In just minutes I located a nice big cabinet with four big drawers that rolled out smoothly. To boot, it was already painted white, the color of the other cabinets. $30 later and we're off.
Now it is a joy to slide open that top drawer...and since it's wider than the other one, it fits more stuff. We're going back soon to find top cabinets so that the top of our fridge will no longer be a storage area. Oh life's little joys, they never disappoint, and I'm a better person for realizing them!
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