Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wanna Know What's Going on? Find out at Raos!

The name Rao's Bakery Cafe brings a smile to anyone's face who lives in Beaumont. There are four such establishments here in town and one in Houston. We met Jake Tortorice Jr, the owner of them all when we stopped by for a groaning plate of his goodies...kolache, spicy sausages in pastry, breakfast croissants filled with egg, czech pastries, breakfast burritos, blueberry bran muffins and the like.

I particularly admired the giant glass urns filled with ice tea sitting right next to the coffee urns. (note to self: buy these for our cafe!).

Everyone in town stops by here in the morning including the mayor, city counselors and people high and low. It's a jovial place where you can sit a spell and catch up with what's new in town. A coffee haven that our hosts are very, very fond of, and as result, a fixture of any press trip.

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