Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Deerfield Attractions Promotes Deerfield

Deerfield Attractions work has been keeping me busy lately. Lots of promotions that we are organizing, and sometimes it comes down to the 'I' am organizing. I wrote a letter to the Deerfield Selectboard asking them to approve my idea for a Town Wide Tag Sale on October 4.

We have been meeting and discussing a fall promotion among the businesses of Deerfield that would begin in September. The group is full of good energy and good ideas, and it feels like a strong promotional advantage to band together.

We want to have this event to stir up some business and keep people thinking of coming to Deerfield for a daytrip. I love organizing this stuff, even though more than one person has reminded me that I should stick to my knitting, running the website.

Another diversion is outfitting our first foray into catering. We are going to be selling coffee, cookies, ice coffee and water at the Deerfield Farm Festival, on a farm field in Deerfield. They expect 700 people to show up, so it will be a great showcase for the cafe. I've ordered a 10 x 10 canopy that will be our vending post for the festival.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does it occur to you that the "center of South Deerfield" might actually be a business that has been there for more than 10 years, like the bank, or Jerrys or even the Polish Club?

9:27 AM  
Blogger Max Hartshorne said...

I believe that to be the center of South Deerfield you have to be a place where everybody goes, and congregates and which creates real community. I don't think that the bank or the Polish Club do that. And I think Jerry's used to be the center but now I think we've earned the title.

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"puts his ego ahead of progresss" hmmmmmmm....

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unusual that anyone would really try to make a big deal out of using the phrase "the center of ___." Seems like maybe for this blogs audience it could be true? Anyone from South Deerfield care to chime in. Its one thing to say it, and another to print it as an advertising slogan. Mr. Hartshorne, has anyone said anything negative about this usage before?

3:30 PM  
Blogger Max Hartshorne said...

I must say after careful consideration, we have retired the controversial "the." I think that we would rather be ín the center'and let our customers decide if we are indeed "the" center. No, it's never been brought up, but again, I've not pushed this except as a headline on our gonomadcafe.com website.

3:51 PM  

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