Thursday, August 07, 2008

Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkey Publishes Advocate Commentary

I had a commentary published in this week's Valley Advocate. Last night as I read various news sites, I thought about how the Rush Limbaugh crowd and others would label me a liberal, cheese-eating surrender monkey for my thoughts about why I think Europe has its priorities better in line than we do. The GOP hates Europe, and especially, the French. The recent Obama tour made them all furious and huffy. Like the 80 percent of Americans with no passport, nor any interest in ever leaving our borders, many Republican leaders are more interested in drilling than conserving. They can't stand the fact that our society is changing to adopt a more green, and yes, more European way of looking at things like transit and health care.

You can read the "Between the Lines" commentary at this link, and I hope you will let me know what you think. The best part of writing a commentary in a newspaper that so many people pick up are the comments from readers. First a man blasted the French, claiming their 'socialist' model is unstainable, and that they don't have enough children and that the US pays to defend them.

Then, another commenter points out that the last two presidents of France were not socialists and that he should stop watching Fox News.

On another note, today we're finally running GoNOMAD Cafe radio ads on WRSI the River. I hope that I get to listen to at least one spot on my way up to Deerfield in the truck. Somehow hearing the ads myself makes me like paying the bills more.



Blogger Larry Kelley said...

So Max, correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to remember reading that months ago on your fine blog (and you mentioned you had submitted it to the venerable Valley Advocate now sharing office space with the venerable Daily Hampshire Gazette).

Those bricks-and-mortar dinosaurs need to get with it. Or as the Chinese would say "Chop-Chop!"

6:38 PM  
Blogger Max Hartshorne said...

Yeah because I wasn't sure they'd ever get around to running it when I wrote it in May...nice to see they did!

9:07 PM  

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