Monday, February 13, 2006

Teeny Tiny Thai and Massive Depot

Tonight's travels took me to a teeny tiny Thai restaurant in downtown Greenfield. The diminutive eatery, staffed by one smiling women, is called Hetterkorn. They had seating for two. The restaurant was a sliver of a space, and her wok sizzled by the cash register. We ordered our pad thai to go, and it was bounteous, steaming, spicy and only $6.50.

Later I had to pick up some cleaning supplies at massive Home Depot. Stocked with too many orange-vested associates, the store seemed to be overstaffed for the hour--almost 9 pm. An army of workers in different shirts, (theirs were brown,) were doing inventory. Each bolt, each screw, each gallon of paint and each nail had to be counted. The temp workers swarmed the store, three or four to an aisle, scanning hardware items and typing into small keypads that dangled from their hips.

Both a part of the mix in a world of business in Greenfield.


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