Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Speaker is Born

Friday was a big day; I made my presentation to a standing room only crowd who filled a hall at the Washington Convention Center. The title was How to Make your Website Google Friendly and Make More Money with your Website. It went beautifully. Thanks to Joe I was well prepared with easy to read slides and lots of background.

At first I was a little nervous, and worried about how I would get on the internet to pull up search results and show people what to do. But when the room filled up, and they were all looking up at me, I lauched my first slide and never looked back.

It was fun. No it was more than fun, it was a joy. Speaking on a subject I am very familiar with, showing examples of great sites, and providing good information that people are eager to hear, what could be better? After my talk, about 30 people came down to meet me to take my card, and to grab the little GoNOMAD notebooks I brought as giveaways.

A clutch of Russian ladies came up asking if I could email them this presentation. I told them sorry, no, but I do arrange consulting and would be happy to work with them on making their site better. This makes sense, why give away what people are happy to pay for?


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