Monday, October 17, 2005

Valparaiso, Glittering in the Sun

Flying home tonight and today, a long journey from Santiago, Chile to Miami and later to JFK. The flight wasn't full, so I was able to have two seats to myself. Still, none of us on this trip could get any sleep despite this extra seat bonus.

This trip to explore Chile was highlighted by our last day, a day trip to sunny Valparaiso and Vina del Mar on the Pacific coast. A few of us said we could imagine living in this hilly, friendly beautiful old port city. The beaches were windy, a few people played in the sea, and we had a huge snack in the casino overlooking the glittering ocean.

On the approach to the Miami runway, the jet suddenly pulled back up as we were no more than ten feet from the ground. The pilot came on and told us that another plane was in the way. Phew! Now as I blog at this early hour of 6:30 am, sucking power from an airport plug, I watch airport screeners here make people remove their shoes and walk through a big grey box. They stay inside the box, and air whooshes through, the sound like tires being inflated. Thanks Osama, for making our travel life so damn complicated!


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