The Storm Couldn't Keep Up with Me Speeding East

It's very late, but this massive caffeine buzz isn't close to going away. I just escaped a terrible snowstorm by driving fast, eastward, as the storm followed dumping massive snowfalls just behind me. I'm glad I made the trip, considering that I would have been stuck in New York state for quite a while if I hadn't left.
Tonight Kent and I met a few dozen tourism officials from all over California. Upon entering this expo, put on by California Tourism, we looked over Californian-grown produce, all lined up like in a grocery store, so we could take some home. We moved on to tables staffed by people who promoted travel to all parts of the great big Golden State. The staffers were all relaxed and enthusiastic about their particular part of the state.
We met the folks from Mendocino, who knew of us and said they wanted us to come visit, and Beverly Hills, who also said they had the makings of a good GoNOMAD feature. And Santa Barbara, and Sacramento, and finally, a chance to meet Kat Burnside, pictured, who is the state's official director of PR. We're definitely going to be spending time in California in the months ahead, there are so many places to see and most excellent adventures to be had.
It was great to learn about these destinations, and fun too to have beaten the snowstorm. Now I just have to figure out how to go to sleep after two giant cups of ten pm java.
Labels: California tourism
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