Join Us for a Second New Year's Eve in Holyoke

As I've gotten older I'm less and less willing to go out on New Year's Eve. Yet last year I broke with tradition and ventured out to the Wisteriahurst Museum, to join about a hundred other proud Holyokers to bring in the new year. It was a lot of fun and it was more than was a symbolic getting together and a true example of voting with your feet.
Just being there and supporting the cause made the suited men and glamourous women look even better, mingling in the many rooms of that rambling museum nibbling on hors dóeuvres and champagne.
Just being there and supporting the cause made the suited men and glamourous women look even better, mingling in the many rooms of that rambling museum nibbling on hors dóeuvres and champagne.
This year Councilman Aaron Vega asked me to put in a plug for the second edition....This time it will be held at Open Square, and billed as New Year's Eve on the canals...sexier than Venice. I love Open Square and the forward-thinking businesses who have located there. And I'm super excited about what may lie ahead as Holyoke welcomes the super computer center.
So if you're a Holyoke booster, excited like me about the progress the city has made and the effervescence that Holyoke CRUSH has brought to the city, join us for New Years Eve. In Holyoke.
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