Saturday, October 31, 2009

Random Thoughts on a Soggy Saturday

A soggy day; a day that I wished I didn't have to deal with all of my wet leaves. Then I go out and put together my cleverly designed, yet maddeningly frail outdoor tent. It had flown over in a fierce September gust of wind, now the thing is broken and the gay 10 x 10 tent's legs bow like an old cowboy's. Going to have to replace it for the New York Times and Boston Globe Travel shows where we are exhibiting in February. Drat!

Kate has invited 24, yes 24 tiny tots over to have a Halloween Party. Is it only me that feels very, very already sick of this holiday and wants no part in wearing a costume or greeting kids at the door? Go away!

The cafe always provides a refuge...and isn't it too cool to be able to order a tuna bacon lettuce and tomato and sit in my favorite window and try out another cup of Dave's Blend, the coffee we've just added to the menu. It's from our friend who owns Positronic Design, and holds the best parties Holyoke has ever been treated to. Thanks Dave!

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Blogger Larry Kelley said...

But if you drink too much of his coffee, you will start believing 9/11 was an inside job.

6:47 PM  

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