The Real Meaning of Thanks...Helping Someone Else
My editor Steve and I got this email from one of our freelance contributors to GoNOMAD this morning. What can be more satisfying than getting an email like this?
Over the years you’ve taught me to fine tune my writing; to listen and learn about what an editor wants and deliver on it on time, every time; you’ve taught me to analyse what a magazine and website’s about and how I could contribute to it. I don’t think you did this knowingly but I need to thank you for it. Your guidance has been like gold to me, and because of it my client base has become more and more impressive and now I’m a regular contributor to international names like Time Magazine - and I’ve just signed and returned my first contract with National Geographic, who have also asked me to contribute to a travel book they’re putting together. This, I know, would not have been possible had I not known the two of you. Thank you guys!
Thank you Cindy, we wish you best of luck in your future endeavors and will miss your contributions to GoNOMAD, which of course are still up on our site!
Over the years you’ve taught me to fine tune my writing; to listen and learn about what an editor wants and deliver on it on time, every time; you’ve taught me to analyse what a magazine and website’s about and how I could contribute to it. I don’t think you did this knowingly but I need to thank you for it. Your guidance has been like gold to me, and because of it my client base has become more and more impressive and now I’m a regular contributor to international names like Time Magazine - and I’ve just signed and returned my first contract with National Geographic, who have also asked me to contribute to a travel book they’re putting together. This, I know, would not have been possible had I not known the two of you. Thank you guys!
Thank you Cindy, we wish you best of luck in your future endeavors and will miss your contributions to GoNOMAD, which of course are still up on our site!
How inspiring!
Wow -- way to go Cindy. When my HDX900 video camera and tripod gets too heavy and/or I actually can write as well as I shoot, I too will try to submit to Nat Geo. In the meantime, I can thank Max and Steve for their vigilant corrections of my work.
Thanks guys!
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