Publishing's Tough, But There's Money To Be Made
Our advertising partnerships are doing well, we've become very good at matching up page content and revenue. I read with interest about a young man named Hunter Walker who decides to enroll at Columbia Journalism School, and was committing the biggest sin--talking about the cost. It's gonna be $47K and according to many commenters, won't come close to guaranteeing him a job.
The media aren't hiring.
Many of Columbia J School's students got internships, though, prestigious, unpaid stints at the Wall St. Journal, or the New York Times after making the journalism school grade. But it's just hard to come up with positions when you're in the content business. It's all going down. I still consume news, and pay for it, it's just all so much less than the cost of the newsprint. So we watch the Boston Globe turn into a non-profit, and the Times shrink itself down to a sustainable less bulky size to survive.
Publishing offers some people tremendous rewards on line, to replace what the old media used to take in from ads on the printed page, and the only way to make it work is to accept that it's a whole new world and play by the new rules. Embittered editors often make wistful and powerful testiments to the role of newspapers and their value is not underestimated. But it's just the way it's moving to, an unmoveable inevitable change to the internet.
Well put
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