Friday, January 09, 2009

The Challenge of Making a Travel TV Show

It's a complicated day, full of fits and starts and stuff I am not sure how to fix or finish. First it's getting tickets to Cancun, which sounds great...but then we saw that our Mexican agent's price was way, way higher than what the airline offered. DÓH! It's too late to change it. Bummer.

Now I am wrestling with how to do this television show. The part I am trying to get around is whether a show that has still photos on the screen is really a TV show. I have traveled many times with people who haul huge cameras, lurch around hotel lobbies with tripods, and generally make quite a fuss with all of their equipment. But all I've ever done is to shoot some short videos with my camera, and thousands of stil photos.

I've been hoping that a show that shows fast-moving slides of full screen images and clever voice-unders about the destination will be viable and interesting. I have a great selection of Iran images and now I'm back from meeting with FCAT. Things are coming together. We have excellent Persian music and there are enough good photos and a short video to make this show compelling. You'll see it on the air soon.


Blogger Sonja Stark of PilotGirl™ said...

TV Show? What TV Show? TV Show! Why wasn't I consulted?????

6:03 PM  

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