Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Snowy Day to Say Goodbye to 2008

It's the final day of 2008, and outside it is snowing hard. I love it when it's like this, although as I business owner I realize it's not very good for business. But it's soooo cozy inside the cafe, with people reading the paper, hunched over their laptops, and outside the cars struggle to get traction on the white pavement.

Today's a day to tell people you'll 'see 'em next year' and to think about New Years resolutions, and what lies ahead for 2009. I've already declared a firm resistance to pessimism and doubt, and refuse to knuckle under to letting all of the bad news make us feel depressed. Hey we just hired a new cafe employee! So somebody in this town is building up their business.

I wait eagerly today for news about the Valley Advocate Iran article and to see a story that's coming out in the Recorder. I met with Chase Sheinbaum over the weekend and told him about my experience in Iran. I hope that it passes muster with their editors...we've been told before that they have written too much about us already.


Blogger Mridula said...

Wish you a very happy 2009 Max.

3:41 AM  

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