Sunday, July 06, 2008

Iran Says "Death Penalty for Bloggers" with New Law

I read in Global Voices today that the Iranian Parliament is considering a bill that would put bloggers in the same category as rapists, murderers and thieves and make them eligible for the death penalty.

The bill would 'toughen punishment for disturbing mental security in society' and that 'establishing websites and weblogs promoting corruption, prostitution and apostasy' would be added to the long list of crimes punishable by death. In this cartoon, the woman is being told 'don't worry we will execute you legally."

According to the article, Yemen has also threatened to file lawsuits against websites for 'harming national interest, and suggesting death penalties for those who incite hatred.




Blogger Larry Kelley said...

Yeah, and this is the same country that does not have a single gay person (probably because they exterminate them when discovered).

Now in the middle of a two week excursion to China, I can't help but reaffirm firsthand our most fundamental American right is that of Free Speech.

The President of Iran is an ass!

4:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is why I like it a lot that India is a democracy, however badly executed! We can raise hell when blogs get banned even accidentally.

11:56 AM  

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