Shoul's Laughter Echoed off the Fjord's Cliffs

Paul Shoul's writing is a delight. That's because he approaches it with the same zeal and enthusiasm that he uses to create wonderful photographs. I am going to be traveling with Shoul again in January, when we take a trip to Melbourne Australia. Here is a snip from his latest story on GoNOMAD about fishing for cod in Greenland.
"The lines have a heavy weight on the end and four or five bright colored lures running up it. For the next two hours we fish. Sometimes there is nothing and then suddenly the cod are coming in fast and everyone is catching them.
They are big fish but classically give up when they are hooked and you just have to haul them in. I don’t want to brag but the rest of my group was getting pretty teed off at me for the number of fish I was catching. I was even catching them on the way down. I caught 13 in total.
When we had caught more than we could possibly eat, Bo started to fillet them at the back of the boat and then started cooking. The meal for the evening would consist of big chunks of flaky white Cod, new potatoes in butter sauce and parsley, white wine and a case of Greenlandic beer, made with the cleanest water in the world. Floating on the ocean, eating the freshest fish, drinking the best beer and wine with a view that just cannot be matched anywhere in the world.
Our laughter echoed off the fjord cliffs."
"The lines have a heavy weight on the end and four or five bright colored lures running up it. For the next two hours we fish. Sometimes there is nothing and then suddenly the cod are coming in fast and everyone is catching them.
They are big fish but classically give up when they are hooked and you just have to haul them in. I don’t want to brag but the rest of my group was getting pretty teed off at me for the number of fish I was catching. I was even catching them on the way down. I caught 13 in total.
When we had caught more than we could possibly eat, Bo started to fillet them at the back of the boat and then started cooking. The meal for the evening would consist of big chunks of flaky white Cod, new potatoes in butter sauce and parsley, white wine and a case of Greenlandic beer, made with the cleanest water in the world. Floating on the ocean, eating the freshest fish, drinking the best beer and wine with a view that just cannot be matched anywhere in the world.
Our laughter echoed off the fjord cliffs."
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