The New Center of South Deerfield is the GoNOMAD Cafe

Been hobbling around with terrible shin splints after an awkward session on the treadmill. So I am still the one who's asked to run to Georgios to fetch whatever ingredient they are out of at the cafe. Funny, one time that is. Today we messed up an order for a cafe customer. We gave them the wrong bag. So I jumped into the GoNOMAD Truck and sped off, down to Whately five miles away to bring them the right bag. They saw the black truck and said 'wow, thanks so much for coming,' and I thought. This is the way level of service I want in my restaurant. But we'd rather not make the mistake in the first place!
Breaking records at the cafe, with just about everyone recognizing a need to have some of our coffee, or a sandwich, or just a bagel to go. But it was the right decision to open the cafe and bring this community together. Here in the real center of South Deerfield. The Cafe.
I got a call from CNN en Espanol. They wanted to interview me about Latin American travel. Yah, I'm game. But the has to be in Spanish. I want to bring out my Spanish speaking travel staffer, but alas, we do not have such a person. I hope that we can work something out, until I learn the Spanish that I've vowed to pester my daughter into teaching me.
Breaking records at the cafe, with just about everyone recognizing a need to have some of our coffee, or a sandwich, or just a bagel to go. But it was the right decision to open the cafe and bring this community together. Here in the real center of South Deerfield. The Cafe.
I got a call from CNN en Espanol. They wanted to interview me about Latin American travel. Yah, I'm game. But the has to be in Spanish. I want to bring out my Spanish speaking travel staffer, but alas, we do not have such a person. I hope that we can work something out, until I learn the Spanish that I've vowed to pester my daughter into teaching me.
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