"Ride to Your Heart's Content" at Triple J Ranch

Last night my cell phone rang its groovy new ringtone at 9:30 pm. It was Ernie Barker from Triple J Wilderness Ranch in Augusta Montana. He was calling to advise me about boots. "Don't wear boots with those lug soles," he said. "They get caught in the stirrups." He told me my Merrill walking shoes would be fine, and said that there was a lot of smoke from forest fires burning about 12 miles away from the ranch. "You can see the smoke, even from that far, it might be a little smokey here over next week."
I am flying on Sunday morning. Should get to Great Falls about 1 pm. Then we'll drive up to the ranch. Here's what they say about what to do when you get there, from their website.
Ride to your heart's content. Scramble up Mortimer Peak. Grab your fishing gear and hit the Sun River. How about an old fashioned game of horseshoes? Jump in the ponds for a refreshing dip or soak those sore spots in the hot tub. Explore the scenery with a long hike. Challenge others in volleyball or kick back with a good book in a lounge chair on the deck. Whatever you choose, you'll enjoy each day at the JJJ.
You'll be the little guy on my shoulder as I visit the ranch and go riding with the cowboys next week.
I am flying on Sunday morning. Should get to Great Falls about 1 pm. Then we'll drive up to the ranch. Here's what they say about what to do when you get there, from their website.
Ride to your heart's content. Scramble up Mortimer Peak. Grab your fishing gear and hit the Sun River. How about an old fashioned game of horseshoes? Jump in the ponds for a refreshing dip or soak those sore spots in the hot tub. Explore the scenery with a long hike. Challenge others in volleyball or kick back with a good book in a lounge chair on the deck. Whatever you choose, you'll enjoy each day at the JJJ.
You'll be the little guy on my shoulder as I visit the ranch and go riding with the cowboys next week.
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