Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Hummer, not Humvee, is Found

The 8,000 pound Hummer has been located about a mile downstream in the Deerfield River. The Recorder kept calling it a "Humvee" which is not at all what it is...that's the more heavy duty deluxe $35,000 military version...this was the one that rich guys buy to look macho driving down paved roads.

Today's kind of a hazy day, I am feeling a little delicate after a long night of losing at poker. Glad to see all of my chums but a bummer when the cards are all falling against you. A day to go to the dump, do errands and relax as the year's longest weekend continues.

We did some experimenting with the GoNOMAD front page, first we added a huge fare search box, and then realized it was betraying our roots, since we're a content site, not a fare site. So we compromised with a text link on the front that leads people to our fare search box. We are also developing two new domains to sell tickets....soon you'll see links to and've learned that fare searchers want sites without distracting content...and content makes people read, not we will roll out these new domains soon and hope to reap rewards down the road.


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