Random Musings: Interns and Greenland

Random musings: I've been working too hard to find time to post, however shocking that may be to some readers. But here are some of the new things that have been getting attention here:
We've got a new intern named Daryl Popper who is taking over the Travelreader Blog. Daryl goes to UMass and she is already posting away! I was happy to hear that there have been very positive reports from previous interns about us, and what it is like to work here. She told me that is what won her over to join us this semester.
Next week I will go visit my friend BJ Roche's journalism class at UMass, to talk about writing, good queries, and job prospects for journalists in 2007. I enjoy my classroom visits; the kids are usually bright and ask good questions, and it is fun to share the website with them.
I just picked up the new National Geographic Adventure, where they ran a big story about Greenland. The article mentions how many sled dogs are being abandoned because their owners don't want to have to feed them and don't use them as they once did. Due to warming ocean temps, the halibut harvest has never been better, ships arrive twice as often as in the past.
My interest in this faraway place is piqued because I am going there on November 2, with a group of 60 journalists and travel agents. Air Greenland has just opened up an new air route, via Baltimore. So Paul Shoul and I shall cover this and expect to read many blogs about this the largest island on earth in the days ahead.
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