Now That's a Cool Car!

I met my friend Todd Adelson yesterday, he was kind enough to bring me my new order of embroidered shirts for GoNOMAD. He zoomed up to meet me in a white Porsche, (a silver one is seen here), one of the nicest, fastest and coolest cars you can buy. I looked at him with incredulity--"that's YOURS?". "Yeah, it's mine, just got it," he said with a smile.
Todd has a side business selling these expensive vehicles on eBay. Amazingly, people buy many top of the line cars via the 'Net, and Todd is always driving one he's selling. But this one is his....not a loaner from a Longmeadow surgeon. Wow, I thought, it's nice to see a good friend be successful and drive the kind of fantasy car we'd both dream about. Nice to see good things happening to good people. Roar on, Todd!
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