Monday, August 14, 2006

"Nobody Works as Hard as We Do"

Today's a wonderfully cool August day, as Steph works her first morning shift. "I like working mornings," she said brightly. "It's nice being so busy."

The Recorder had a story about my favorite lunch spot in town: the BBA Deli and Market, on Thayer Street, South Deerfield.

The BBA is a step back in time...owned by two friends , Alina Warzynski and Bozena Giedrowicz, it's a totally Polish 1960s experience. Wooden floors, a big glass counter, dusty old groceries on the credit cards or checks, just cash.

The line forms about 11:45 am, people lining up for American Chop suey, or creamy chicken, or sausage and peppers. They've tried to hire help, 'but nobody worked hard like us,' they told reporter Patrick O'Connor. 'On a typical day, the two women start at 7:30 am and prepare 25 hot dishes--from Polish specialties like kielbasa with onions, to salads, and soup and galumpkis.'

This isn't fast food at all, in fact each patron waits patiently as the huge sandwiches are made in the back. It's comfort food and farmer food, and it's simply the best food in town. It's the kind of food many locals remember their grandmothers making, and it feels good every time I stop by for lunch.


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