GM Deserves to be Swallowed by Toyota

I sat outside the cafe today, rain threatening, since reading the paper out there helps bring people in. The Republican had Thomas Friedman's column about the Big Three automakers, again, making a mistake. He chided them for their recent ad campaign, where they give away gas cards to keep the price at $1.99 for anyone who'll buy a gas guzzling Tahoe, Hummer, or other large GM Car.
Encouraging Americans to drive more, he says, is like giving booze to the alkie. It's just the wrong idea. Friedman believes we've got to get the taxes raised to get the price up around $3.50 a gallon. While no politicians dare bring this up, this is where oil has to be to really kick alternative energy and fuels to the market.
One of Bush's most egregious errors is how he has refused to even consider serious conservation efforts. Remember he's the one who suggested that America go shopping after 9/11, that's the remedy. Watching the corruption of the establishment on fuel economy and how deaf they are to this real problem is sickening.
Take a look at:
to see GM's response to T. Friedman's rant, and the difficulty that the NYTimes is giving GM in trying to publish a response to Friedman's editorial.
This was posted so long ago but I give the salute to Toyota and all the other small car manufacturers as well. I drive BIG vehicles, a Chevy Silverado and a Ford Excursion. I live on a ranch for heavens sake. What the hell am I going to do with a Nissan Sentra? Load my cattle and horses in the back seat? And pile the hay on the roof? I feel safer with my kids driving big trucks too. People who drive those small cars think they're in the Indy500 and cause the wrecks. Larger vehicle drivers are more cautious. We're a tall family, too. Small cars are cramping our style, literally. Can't drive with my knees up to my ears. So, go screw yourself because you don't anything about me and what I do. There is no such thing as global warming only you sheep who are led around by the nose and can't do the research for yourselves to prove it. You're from Taxachusetts, that says it all.
well, Mr. Silverado, you may indeed have a good reason to drive your huge SUVs but in 'Taxachusetts' most people who drive these huge vehicles carry one passenger maybe a few kids and if you and they want to spend $75 $100 to fill your tanks, well go ahead.
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