Where Do They Keep the Coffee Filters?
It's the long weekend, the final hurdle of the holidays. Today we'll drive to Northampton, PA, another couple who we try to see a few times a year, invited to spend New Years and see their new house. After they married they decided to sell both of their houses and buy one that is big enough for two of them. He's a big collector, it will be fun to see how much of his treasures have made a new home in their communal space.
New Year's eve is often a conflicted time for me, because I expect that I have to have fabulous plans, lavish parties and festivities to attend. If I don't, I feel that I should. And I don't really feel like a huge celebration, it's only a new year, not a new century or new life or something. So I am glad we decided to battle the south and northbound traffic and make our journey. One of the things I like best about Cindy is that she is a true friend. She shows up, makes the trip, and keeps in touch with old pals, even when she might not feel like going anywhere. I feel the same way, it's better to show up.
Tomorrow it's First Night Allentown, then a lazy day on New Years...then it's time to get back to work.